Training OPP SAR Mangers Airborne Project Lifesaver
Dan and Stan attended an entire day of training at the NE Region OPP HQ yesterday. It was annual training for SAR Managers from all the NE Region detachments. They were invited, as part of OSARVA, to participate. Stan was also asked to make a presentation about BAYSAR history and capability. Stan offered, and they willingly accepted a training session he provided on ‘When and how to use an Airborne Project Lifesaver Electronic Search Team’ in coordination with ground teams. It was a great day.
Dan Webb learning the finer points of using SAR TOPO during OPP SAR Manager scenario training.“Stan French, President of BAYSAR, presents to SAR Managers on how BAYSAR coordinated a joint Project Lifesaver SAREX with OPP in Sturgeon Falls with use of air and ground search teams.”“Stan French completes his presentation and responds to questions on when and how to incorporate an Airborne Electronic Search Team with ground teams when conducting a Project Lifesaver search.”“Stan French, President of BAYSAR, presents to SAR Managers on how BAYSAR coordinated a joint Project Lifesaver SAREX with OPP in Sturgeon Falls with use of air and ground search teams.”