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Helping Communities

Air Search and Rescue

Air Search and Rescue

In the 30 years that BAYSAR has been in operation, its volunteers have been involved in dozens of air and ground searches

Project Lifesaver

Project Lifesaver

Project Lifesaver is the proactive and proven program for vulnerable people who are at high risk of going missing

Adventure Smart

Adventure Smart

AdventureSmart is a national program dedicated to encouraging Canadians and visitors to Canada to ”Get informed and go outdoors”.

Ground Search and Rescue

Ground Search and Rescue

To assist the Police with trained volunteer ground SAR personnel with the ultimate goal of saving lives.

North Bay Search and Rescue

Helping for over 30 years

Dedicated to Help Communities
Building Stronger Communities


Years of Search and Rescue


BAYSAR Air Search and Rescue, North Bay

In the 30 years that BAYSAR has been in operation, its volunteers have been involved in dozens of air and ground searches in the North Bay and surrounding areas and has earned many accolades from police forces and the Canadian military. Air searches have involved our members flying aboard Royal Canadian Air Force SAR C-130 Hercules and Griffon helicopters and our own civilian aircraft, in wide-ranging operations that have taken us as far west as Thunder Bay, east to North Eastern Quebec, south to the outskirts of Toronto and north to James Bay.

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Training and News

Training and News

Project Lifesaver lives up to its name one more time

A missing person located in very short order with help of Project Lifesaver Published Jul 10, 2024&

Missing Person Located with Help of Project Lifesaver

A North Bay woman living with dementia who was reported missing from her assisted living facility w

Recent rescue in North Bay shows value of Project Lifesaver

After a recent incident, North Bay police and North Bay Air Search and Rescue (BAYSAR) are emphasiz

Project Lifesaver locates North Bay man in wooded area

Project Lifesaver is a non-profit program that combines radio tracking technology with a coordinate

Missing man Located Through PROJECT LIFESAVER

Search skills learned from BAYSAR lead to dramatic Toronto rescue by York Regional Police The train

BSAR Recertification 2023 – Dec 2nd and 3rd

December 2nd and 3rd, 2023 we had our BSAR and recertification. Those who did it the previous year

Final BAYSAR training session at 1570 Airport

Photo credit: John Hemingway  Today BAYSAR held its final training event at our 1570 Airport R

BAYSAR and police battle weather in mock rescue exercise

It was a soggy, cold late August night as more than a dozen BAYSAR volunteers gathered at the forme